fvdw-sl-18-0 release notes

fvdw-sl-18-0 release notes

Postby fvdw » Thu Jun 27, 2019 5:19 pm

Release notes fvdw-sl-18-0 July 2019

18.0.1 upgrades
- kernel to version 4.14.102 for kirkwood platform
- e2fsprogs version 1.43.4 (31-Jan-2017)
- proftpd version 1.3.7rc1 (15-jul-2017)
- util-linux 2.30
- libz upgrade to 1.2.11
- libncurses upgrade to 6.0 + related binaries
- samba server 4.9.4 (addon package with smb3 support)
- gnutar 1.31
- avahi-0.6.31 recompile against libgdbm
- openvpn to version 2.4.6
- transmission to version 2.94, no longer patched (addon package)
- minidlna to version 1.2.1(addon package)
- mldonkey to 3.1.6 with port forward feature (addon package)

18.0.2 new features  / improvements
- core: added support for 2bignas (2big network review)
- core: added support for d2 network space v1
- core: added support for seagate personal cloud
- core: added support for x86_64 platform including VM version (separate firmware idfmage)
- core: new firmware upgrade script allowing to get a bigger system partition (~488MB instead of 227MB)
- core: improved write protection on the system partition (several servers can no longer overload it when they run with incorrect settings)
- setup web-interface: added a button to cancel the setup job and restore the regular mode
- setup task : added a task to check the file system on a volume
- web-interface : enhance security rules allowing to modfy SSH server settings and the administor account can not be done from WAN
- web-interface: new layout of the default menu (system information menu)
- web-interface: added a tab to list the last logins on the system information menu
- web-interface: added a critical warning on a disk failure event in a raid device
- web-interface: added a viewer on Apache log files
- web-interface: added style management on vnstat pages
- web server: https support on LAN url (https://nas-ip; https://nas-name) or WAN access (https://public-ip; https://yourddns)
- external disk: added an option to manage the mount mode for esata disk
- web-interface: added option to set a custom admin login instead of the default one: admin-nas
- web-interface: added option to set memory limit for php script
- web server: new fvdw-sl ca with a stronger hashing algorithm
- File share: added a new share type to handle CD/DVD iso files
- web-interface: added some options in setup menu to select the upgraded samba version (4.x), disable/enable smb1 or ntlmv1 protocols (donators only)
- web-interface: added an option to enable Zeroconf service (avahi) without activating AFP server
- Improve Zeroconf service behaviour for a better services list broadcast
- usb swapping: on nwsp2 platform, feature is restored on the newest kernel version 4.14.102 (feature not supported on kernel version 4.6.6)
- external device: added support for exfat file system (donators only)
- support for mpd music player version 0.20.16 (addon package)
18.0.3 bug fixes
- ftp server: ftp home directory of user account is corrupted at each NAS rebooting (only nas with several internal disks)
- web-interface: on a raid5 volume, you can add another disk whereas it is still reshaping after a previous adding
- raid feature: max sync speed is set too slow
- disk setup: the user account of a protected public share is not deleted when you reset the disk or format the related volume which does not allow to create again the share with the same name.
- volume setup: memory allocation error when you extend a very large file system (after growing a raid5 volume)
- user account: on some specific conditions, when you edit an account you can not save your changes according to the current FTP Home directory
- rsync server: login fails with an user account if the user changed directly its password by using the url "http://nasname/changemy-pwd"
- rsync server: settings are not updated after editing an user account or a share
- web-interface: a fake kernel version warning is displayed with the system information menu on raspberry platforms
- web-interface: the hidden user account created with a protected public share, is not deleted after changing the share type to a private share
- web-server: added support for x509v3 (required on Chrome since version 58.0)
- cron server: removed unexpected null chars in cronjob log file
- email feature: authentication fails if password contains special characters or is too length
- LED command: wrong brightness level range on 2big2 platform
- Firefly: return a fake error status on all update config request
- Firefly: fail to load the config page if you use a mandatory server to request the mediaserver
- Mediatomb: can add in the server database files the file system root level or forbidden folders like /share or /share/mountpoint
- esata disk: no esata disk support (regression)
- setup job: fail to initialize or to format an esata disk
- setup job: on some environments,a vfat partition of an USB disk fails to be mounted after formatting
- setup job: set a wrong partition table on esata disk
- setup job: reset disk fails (fatal error) if the nas database does not content the settings of its data volume
- web-interface: on nas with a single internal disk, data volume is not restored after destroying a raid built with the data partition (Vol-A)
- web-interface: can create manually a technical share on another volume than the selected addons volume
- web-interface: fail to move a share if the first moved object is a file. In such case, all files at the share root are lost (subfolders are preserved)
- rsync server: you can start the server even if no module is selected for sharing (start with the temporary command)
- rsync server: you can not select a rsync server if its hostname begins with a number character
- download upgrade/addon package: on some environments, the firmware fails to retrieve the upgrade or addon package (error code: -99 or 200)
- raid feature: the firmware may try to grow directly a raid5 whereas a setup job is required (if the selected disk can not be unmounted)
- web-interface: a critical warning may be repeated many times on some menus (eg. FTP log menu)
- web-interface: on the smart menu, the buttons are disabled after a first submit if there is a critical warning
- setup job: format task does not update the partition type if you select another fs
- setup job: reset/initialize disk task may be aborted after deleting the current partition table
- web-explorer: external USB share is not available from the web-interface whereas internet access is enabled on it
- Schedule servers: missing job to start or stop transmission server
- samba server: security hole if there is an empty username over a root ssh access
- web-interface: can not scroll the vertical menu in the mobile web-interface
- LED feature: on nwsp2 lite, LED commands fail (kernel bug in version 3.14.2 and 4.6.6)
- web-interface: FTP access does not display rightly some user permissions on public shares if all ftp users should be jailed in their FTP home directory
- disk spin down feature: noflush daemon tries to write to a read-only block device (loop) on sync event before spinning down a disk
- lan setup: ip of dns server 2 was truncated when nas ip is assigned from a DHCP server
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Re: fvdw-sl-18-0 release notes

Postby Jocko » Mon Jul 29, 2019 10:45 am

This firmware version is no longer available and you need to use version 18.1 instead.

Note: version 18.1 includes all changes of version 18.0
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