fvdw-sl-17-0 release notes

fvdw-sl-17-0 release notes

Postby fvdw » Wed May 31, 2017 9:25 pm

Release notes fvdw-sl-17-0 28 may 2017

17.0.1 upgrades
- kernel  to version 4.6.6  for kirkwood platform (http://plugout.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2345) which improves significantly the read speed
remark: for users having a nwsp2 (classic or lite), the usb extra feature to use the device port on the back side (to use nwsp2 as external disk on PC) is not working on kernel 4.6.6. If you want to use that you need to install kernel 3.14.2 please contact us for instructions. We are working on it to find a solution to get it working on kernel 4.6.6. as well. (The front side usb is working normally so you can connect external usb hard disks to the the nwsp2)
- minidlna to version 1.1.5
- mdadm to version 3.3.5
- sudo to version 1.8.18
- ez-ipupdate to version 3.0.11b8 (fix for no-ip provider)

17.0.2 new features  / improvements
- added support for ext4 filesystem which has a better write speed than ext3 filesystem
- added new binaries: iperf3 (to check network speed) and mini-upnpc (to open/close ports on the upnp server of your ISP box)
- mldonkey / Resilio: open the required ports on the ISP box if upnp server is enabled
- web-interface: added a network transfer monitoring
- web-interface: new upgrade menu to download directly the latest package, no need to download manually the upgrade package
- web-interface: full raid support (linear; raid0; raid1; raid5). You can manage a raid volume from the web-interface (create; add/remove a raid component; grow and destroy)
- web-interface: full disk setup support (initialize; reset and format disk)
- web-interface: implemented a new interface to run some shell scripts to manage raid/disk settings.
- web-interface: a better management of the browser cache and some other changes to have a faster loading
- web-interface: add features to manage how the nas may shutdown (monitors some hosts on the LAN to check if they are still running)
- user account: an user can now change itself its password. This one is then encrypted by the firmware to protect it. The user must use the url: http://nasname/change-mypwd
- may install directly the authority certificate FVDW-SL on your browser (which signs the user's certificate) by using the url http://nasname/.caroot
This may be useful on smart-phone where some OS/browser do not provide an easy way to install custom authority certificate.
- modified fan daemon for 5big NAS, to have a better monitoring of the disks temperature
- debug mode: added binaries to enable/disable easily the debug mode (debugon, debugoff)
17.0.3 bug fixes
- DDNS: Can not update no-ip dns and use the email login
- Remote shares menu: can not mount the remote share if login contains some spaces
- Remote shares menu: command does not use an additional security mechanism to mount MAC shares
- Remote shares menu: MAC shares or shares with advanced security settings are not listed
- Afp server: avahi daemon does not broadcast the afp service
- Afp server: log level is set too verbose in the conf file
- Schedule servers menu: uses a bad command to standby the NAS and auto wake-up
- Warning message over bad data: fail to display the warning message if the loaded menu handles a tabs object when you submit wrong data
- add-ons volume: some fs symlink not updated after selecting a new add-ons volume
- add-ons volume: default add-ons volume settings are restored after rebooting if the selected addons volume contains no technical shares.
- home menu: new firmware version link does not work with FF or Chrome
- web-interface: vertical menus table is not rightly displayed with recent FF version (>42)
- web-interface: loading fails on old IE version (IE7 and IE8)
- web-interface: usb extra status is not displayed with some platforms (mwspmax, d2nw2, 2big2) on view system information menu
- rsync: patched version 3.0.9 not included in the last firmware version
- Webdav: USB shares can be enabled only if the current add-ons volume is the default volume (Vol-A)
- USB disk: after upgrading to version 16.1, nas database is corrupted if some USB disks are mounted as internal disks (note: it is always the case with rspb1/2 platforms)
- Webdav: user's password does not use strong hash in conf files
- Plex media server: uninstall plex media server can not be done by using its script
- USB disk: can not mount some gpt partitions (sensitive case issue)
- User account: password is displayed when you edit an acount even if 'Hide user password' option is selected
- Mldonkey: when you change some settings on apache server and WebDAV, mldonkey process is killed
- USB disk: fail to set the usb share on booting if the usb share is public and USB data can not be listed on ftp access (with private or public shares)
- Backup menu: on loading, volume name is not always displayed on the path folders link of the source combo object on some contexts
- Samba: server hangs after a huge files transfer ( >50 thousand files)
- FTP/Rsync servers : can not export their log files if you use a RAID
- FTP servers : On platforms with several internal disks, User's FTP directory is reset after rebooting when the selected FTP directory is a volume
- web-interface: temporary Stop command is missing on the main cron menu
- FTP servers : daemon starting fails when IP filter string is too long (> 1023)
- Rsync server : can not handle usb shares as modules if a raid is set
- Btsync server: can not handle the server if the password contains some '/' characters
- web-interface: on cloudbox platform loads usb disk setup menu instead of SMART menu
- web-interface: restore permissions feature of backup menu does not run
- web-interface: fail to move a share as soon as there is a hidden dotted file at the root share level
- web-interface: settings are lost on NTFS USB private share when ntfs driver is swapping (USB disks menu)
- SFTP server: can not upload files according to the sftp client used
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