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Access to shared folder with authentication

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:25 pm
by maxdo
Hi to all,
my NAS it is update with last fw/patch available.
On my network i've all windows 10 last version, where access to the folder share without auth.
now i want to change the mode in auth way.
for test, i've create a new folder in private mode. then associate a user/paswwor.
when i point the nas path, from windows 10 (\\ i can see all the foldere present.
I can enter in all the pubblic folder , but in the private not, and ask a user name e password.
So i define to enter with a other user, and the n enter the user and password, but i've back a errore of acces windows.
if accept the warning windows come back to request user/password.
Why deosn't accept the user/login?
keep in mind that i've setup samba version 4.10.18

Re: Access to shared folder with authentication

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 9:08 am
by Jocko

I am sorry but yesterday I did not notice this new topic.

So please to note when you use windows home version, you can use only one authentication account by remote host at the same time (after using one, this one stays valid up to you close your windows session). For example if you have set a network drive. Maybe it is your issue.

You can check if all is ok on nas side with this command
Code: Select all
grep "\[" -A 10 /tmp/usr/lib/smb.conf
. So you should see a section beginning by "[your private sharename]" and after a line either "read list = your allowed username" if you set a readonly access or "write list = your allowed username" if you set a full access.

If it is ok then there is no issue on samba server side. After you may also do an error about its password

Re: Access to shared folder with authentication

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 9:19 am
by Jocko
To valid the user account you can use smbclient tool from a shell window :
Code: Select all
smbclient \\\\\\yourprivatesharename -U username
Enter YourWorkGroup\username's password:
Try "help" to get a list of possible commands.
smb: \>
then if there is no issue with your account (login or password) the client samba console is opened. If you enter the command 'ls', then the content of your private share should be listed.

Note: enter 'exit' to close the client samba console.

So if all is ok that means it is an issue on windows side and not on samba server side

Re: Access to shared folder with authentication

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 9:28 am
by maxdo
Hi thanks fro your reply.
the messagge back of the command grep it is:
comment = test
path = /share/1100/test
invalid users = root dummy
read list =
write list = lenovo
#read only = no
#writable = no
printable = no
ea support = yes
vfs objects = catia fruit streams_depot

so seems active right with the user "test"

in effect if i try to do an access from a Windows 7 device, after the request of the login/passwor, the access at the folder it is done well, and i can read or modify what it is presente in it.
Maybe windows 10, use a different way to send the login/password andthe nSamba doesn't recognize the information sent to him.

have i any possibility to trace what send the workstation with windows 10 about the login7password sent...?

i've try to modify the chipher from128 bit to 50, but still the issue....

Thansk for your support. :sob

Re: Access to shared folder with authentication

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 10:29 am
by Jocko
maxdo wrote:so seems active right with the user "test"
I assume you mean "so seems right with the user "lenovo" on the share "test".
maxdo wrote:Maybe windows 10, use a different way to send the login/password andthe nSamba doesn't recognize the information sent to him.
I am not a win10 user (I hate this OS) but fvdw uses it on his device so you should wait him for more suggestions

Re: Access to shared folder with authentication

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 2:30 pm
by fvdw
Windows 10 seems to be more picky with respect to usernames and passwords. If a same username exist in windows 10 be sure you use (exact) same user name and password on the nas as you have defined on windows 10. Using for a user the same username on nas and windows 10 but different passwords for that user give problems. This is a windows 10 issue.
Also take into account that nas (linux) uses case sensitive user names. Windows has the habbit to use a capital at beginning of user name.